3 Policies to Guide a Pro-Growth, Pro-Worker Economy Under Trump
by Sharon Brown | Jan 29, 2025 | Capitalism, Digital Article, Economic cycles and trends, Economic systems, Government, Government policy and regulation, Income inequality, Public-private partnerships, Society and business relations
New models could create a needed jolt of energy to workers, government agencies, and the economy alike.How “Finfluencers” Can Create Risk for Your Company
by Sharon Brown | Jan 25, 2025 | Digital Article, Economic cycles and trends, Financial markets, Trade
Finance influencers may spread misleading information about a firm’s growth, profitability, or risk.U.S. Commercial Real Estate Is Headed Toward a Crisis
by Sharon Brown | Jul 24, 2024 | Business management, Corporate finance, Digital Article, Economic cycles and trends, Economics, Finance and investing, Financial markets, Financial service sector, Real estate industry
More than $1 trillion in loans will come due over the next two years. Here’s how companies can protect themselves.The U.S. Economy’s Soft Landing Is Still on Track
by Sharon Brown | May 7, 2024 | Business management, Digital Article, Economic cycles and trends, Economics, Government policy and regulation, Inflation, Recessions, Strategy
A close look at consumer trends, monetary policy, and other trends gives reason for optimism — not pessimism.Maintaining Customer Loyalty in the Face of Inflation
by Sharon Brown | Feb 3, 2024 | Brand management, Business and society, Business communication, Business ethics, Business management, Digital Article, Economic cycles and trends, Inflation, Marketing, Sales and marketing, Transparency
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