The Most Popular HBR Videos in 2024: Happiness and Communication
by Sharon Brown | Dec 31, 2024 | Burnout, Business and society, Business communication, Business writing, Digital Article, Emotional intelligence, Health and wellness, Interpersonal communication, Listening skills, Mental health, Mindfulness, Personal growth and transformation, Psychology and neuroscience, Stress management, Wellness
These two big themes stood out from the rest.Best of IdeaCast: To Build Stronger Teams, Ask Better Questions
by Sharon Brown | Dec 25, 2024 | Audio, Behavioral science, Business communication, Emotional intelligence, Leading teams, Listening skills, Managing people, Negotiation strategies, Psychology
Revisiting a conversation with HBS professors Leslie K. John and Alison Wood Brooks on the powerful communication tool.How to Cultivate Joy on Your Team
by Sharon Brown | Dec 5, 2024 | Audio, Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Managing people
Menlo Innovations CEO Richard Sheridan explains why joy is so important for innovation.Leaders Can’t Make Up for Bad Behavior by Being Nice Later
by Sharon Brown | Nov 21, 2024 | Digital Article, Emotional intelligence, Interpersonal communication, Leadership development, Leadership qualities, Leadership styles, Managerial behavior, Managing people, Personal ethics
If your employees never know which version of you they’re going to get, it’s impossible for them to do their best work.3 Ways to Make Sure High Performers Feel Valued
by Sharon Brown | Nov 13, 2024 | Digital Article, Emotional intelligence, Human resource services, Management, Managing employees, Marketing industry, Mindfulness
Feeling like they don’t matter is a leading — and preventable — reason that top employees quit.Recent Posts
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